“Be part of the glamour”
If you want to invest in movies getting a return on your capital, ask without obligation by sending an email to We will find your suitable project either in our own production or in other third-party projects. There are several ways to invest in movies. Some more common examples are:
Equity: Being part of the film and assuming the same risk as the producers in exchange for a share in the returns of the film. High Risk - High Profits
Loan With Nominal Interest: Lend your money to the producer in exchange for a fixed percentage in a limited time. Medium Risk - Medium Benefits
Bridge Loan: Lend your money to the producer to advance financing that will be available later but that they need the money sooner. They are usually loans of 3 to 5 months with nominal fixed interest. For example, a production will shoot in July and will have to pay its employees in August, but the grant money comes in November. The bridge loan would advance that money and assume a very low risk of default. Low Risk - Low Benefits
AIE: Invest in the Economic Interest Group if you have benefits in the company and want to pay less taxes by taking advantage of the tax exemption offered by this type of tax mechanism. Very Low Risk - Medium Benefits
Sponsorship: If you prefer your company to have visibility in the premieres, festivals, reports and social networks of the most well-known actors and actresses, you can choose to sponsor the film or series by investing to make yourself known or continue to be recognized. Low Risk - High Benefits
Another way to invest your capital in movies and series is by investing in distribution. International films are bought to sell them to Spanish television channels and digital platforms and thus get a return on them. In this case, we are only looking for smaller investors who put between € 5,000 and € 80,000, depending on the needs of each film, and in exchange for a 6% nominal interest with a capital amortization limit plus interest of 1 year maximum. If you are interested in investing in distribution, send an email to and we will study your case.